The Bergen County Christian Academy Crusader basketball teams won big this season – having secured five different trophies for the school. Bergen County Christian Academy held its annual Invitational Basketball Tournament from February 3-4. The Abundant Life Academy, Hawthorne Christian Academy, and Northwest Christian School were invited to the Crusader’s court for a great time of basketball and hanging out. The Crusader Boys played well and grabbed the 1st place...Read More
Bergen County Christian Academy is pleased to announce that three of our students have placed in the Garden State Association of Christian Schools (GSACS) 40th Annual Creative Writing Contest. On Thursday, November 17, 2022, all fourth through eighth grade students participated in the Creative Writing Contest. Students had the opportunity to choose between two writing styles, poetry or short story. In the Elementary division, which consists of grades 4-6, sixth...Read More
Nearly the entire high school participated in the Annual GSACS Fine Arts & Academic State Competition where students competed in a range of areas including: academic testing, essay writing, speeches, art, and music. In February, several of our students took academic tests, where they demonstrated their academic knowledge against other students in the state. On March 8th our Handbell Group and Choral Group traveled to Gloucester County Christian School, where...Read More
Thanks to private donors, Bergen County Christian Academy has opened a brand new, state-of-the-art Technology Lab where students will have the opportunity to receive cutting-edge media courses. The new Technology Lab consists of eleven iMac computers – with five more still on the way. This is exciting news for students, as the new iMac computers are installed with Apple’s newest M1 Chip. Apple shares that the “M1 is the most...Read More
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Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Donec sed odio dui. Etiam porta sem malesuada.