
Mission & Values

Our mission at Bergen County Christian Academy is to partner with parents and the local church to provide our students with a quality education, grounded in Biblical principles, all for the glory of God.

Bergen County Christian Academy was founded as a ministry of First Baptist Church of Hackensack. Therefore, the doctrinal positions of BCCA are the same as those stated in the Articles of Faith of First Baptist Church. All teachers and staff members of the school sign their belief in the school’s doctrinal statement prior to their employment. In brief, we believe in the following:

• The Bible as the inspired and inerrant Word of God.
• The Sovereign Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
• Satan: his fall, his authorship of evil, his final judgment.
• The Genesis account of creation in seven literal days.
• The fall of man: his depravity and universal sinfulness.
• The virgin birth of Christ, His incarnation, sinless life, vicarious atonement, bodily resurrection and ascension.
• Salvation by grace alone, which provides an eternal assurance of heaven for a believer who repents of sin and places a personal faith in Christ as Savior.
• A local New Testament Church, which is a congregation of baptized believers who are Bible-centered, missionary minded, and evangelically zealous.
• Two memorial ordinances: Believer’s baptism by immersion and the Lord’s Table.
• The eternal destiny of the believer in heaven, and the eternal condemnation of the unsaved in hell.
• The separation of Church and State.
• The pre-tribulational return of Christ for His saints and the pre-millennial return of Christ with His saints.